I had some cute ideas that I wanted to do today for the theme "People and Faces" but my son has a limited selections of foods he will eat! I got some sparkly Wilton writing icing I was going to use on bananas or Nilla Wafers to make faces but Will wouldn't try it. So this is what we came up with!
I was out the house for most of the day with appointments and errands and this is how Will and Daddy spent their time. Will was so excited when I came home he said "Big boat-mon(c'mon)" I had just moved Will's tool bench from over there so it wouldn't be so cluttered-now I have a boat in my living room! What can I say,toys are taking over my house!
Here are my latest cricut projects -The first are some plastic pins that I picked up at a yard sale for the less than a dollar for 6(one not pictured) I labeled them using Design Studio and Vinyl-my first time using DS and vinyl. Great toy storage. I am happy with how they turned out. Then I made a purse for our cousin's birthday using the popular freezer paper method. Cousin Tiffany LOVED it!
There was no theme for this week but here's what we did. Fish Sticks and ketchup,fruit strips,bananas, and Teddy Grahams. I'll give you one guess what Will ate first!
While out in the yard the other day I noticed one of the trees Jason cut down was a pine tree so I thought -cool idea for a painting project. Will did it for a while and then asked for a paint brush-LOL! Here's how it turned out!
Today we did muffin tin Monday which is creative way to serve a meal in a -you guessed it-MUFFIN TIN! If you want more in fo please see http://michellesjournalcorner.blogspot.com/ she has themes almost every week. Today's theme was party/celebrate. We didn't do the theme since it was our first time I just wanted to try it out. I am hoping that this concept will get Will to try more foods-Hey a mom can dream right!LOL! We had PB and J carrots and dressing,veggie crackers, a cheese stick and applesauce.