On Friday night we went to see a
Greenville Drive game. The Drive is a minor league team for the Red
Sox - and yes I know it's practically a sin for someone who grew up in New York in a Yankees household to be supporting the Red
Sox but I love baseball! Plus it was free and closer than going to Atlanta! A girl in my mom's group invited everyone to join her and her family watch the game. Her husband ,who is is a die hard Red
Sox fan,( I try not to hold that against him!
LOL!) got a box for this playoff game and they were generous enough to invite anyone who was interested. Will seemed to enjoy it he had the same attention span as the other kids who seemed to be just as excited over the big bowl of popcorn!
LOL! But it may be a while before we take him to a game where he will have to stay in his seat. After the game they did fireworks and a tribute to 911. I had a great time trying out my new camera and for once got decent shots of fireworks. It was a perfect evening. And in case you are wondering the Drive beat Asheville and won the Division!!